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Thank You for Your Support in 2016

Happy New Year and thank you for your support!

Selling a home? Click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your support this year.

Thanks to you, I’ve been able to grow my team. We are able to provide great service while giving back to the community. In 2017, we are going to do so much more, and we would love for you to be a part of it.

For now, have a great New Year and enjoy the holiday season. We are going to rock 2017!

See you soon!

How Important Is a Sewer Inspection?

Why are sewer inspections so important for your house? I've brought in a professional inspector to explain why the $200 inspections could save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Today I wanted to take a moment to tell you about why it's important to do a sewer scope or inspection on a property. I've brought in an expert in Todd Vecchio of Sound Sewer Inspection to help me explain the process.

A sewer inspection is an important part of the house you're buying that you can't see, Todd says, and can have a value from $50,000 to $75,000. It's the one part of the house that has a very substantial value that you can't see.

A sewer inspector will put a camera into
the system's pipes, like a colonoscopy
for the house.

A sewer inspector will put a camera into the system's pipes, like a colonoscopy for the house. The camera will travel every inch of the pipes, from where it leaves the house all the way to the street. You want to be sure the system doesn't have any cracks, breaks, or root intrusions. Root intrusions can be a big problem here in Seattle.

As Todd says, it's a really good $200 insurance policy to make sure you don't have a $30,000 problem out in the street. Along with the inspection, you'll get the video and a thorough report so that you get the total picture.

If you're interested in learning more or you have questions about sewer inspections for Todd, you can give him a call at (206) 619-9990 or email him at

If you have any real estate questions for me or you're thinking about buying or selling a home in the Seattle area, don't hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I would love to work with you!